
I know many people across the world fear Sharks.

And movies like Jaws and Deep Blue Sea have completely demonized them and destroyed their image for several generations.

But interestingly, there are so many sea creatures way more dangerous than sharks.

It’s very important for everyone to understand that when a shark or any other sea creature attacks us,

this is not their fault because we’re the ones in their territories, invading their privacy.

That is the reason it is so important to respect marine life when diving or snorkeling. Discipline is everything.

Be calm, swim gently and observe from a good distance.

Never touch the corals or fish or create chaos in the water.

It’s the right time, we get rid of evil image of sharks created by movies, myths and folklore.

Is Maldives Safe for Shark Diving? 

If you’re afraid of sharks, I’m going to give you a good news: Maldives is totally safe for Shark Diving.

According to the Sources there are over 26 species of sharks in Maldives and there hasn’t been a shark attack recorded since 1976.

This is the reason, Maldives is famed as one of the best and safest dive destinations in the world.

The trick to doing anything is being thorough.

If you’re doing to a dive destination, read as much information as possible about the place. Read about the fish and corals found in the place.

Being well prepared can give you a huge confidence.

Some Fun Facts

There are so many other animals and natural causes that are more likely to kill you than sharks.

This is going to change your perspective of sharks.

Around 2.5 million people die each year out of which more than half a million die of heart disease. Around half a million of cancer, and about 150,000 of respiratory diseases, 130,000 of accidents.

The list goes on. But only about 5 people die of shark attacks per year due to provoked and unprovoked attacks.

Unprovoked attacks are rarely fatal though.

Now let’s look at look at other statistics – death from other animals, those less intimidating than sharks.

According to various sources mosquitoes kill nearly half a million people each year spreading various diseases.

Bees kill 53 people in the US each year due to allergic reaction after being stung.

Dogs kill 35 people each in the US and ants kill about 20 to 25 people each year.

Do you still think sharks are monstrous beasts? Nope!

On the contrary, sharks are beautiful creatures that play a very important role in the ocean and our ecosystem.

If you read more about the sharks, they become more fascinating.


Interesting facts about sharks:

  • There are over 400 different species of sharks
  • Scientists can tell the age of a shark by counting the rings on its vertebrae (similar to how they can tell how old a tree is by counting its rings!)
  • Recent research shows that sharks may be colorblind
  • You are more likely to drown at sea than to be attacked by a shark
  • Shark teeth have been thought to inspire the first tools created by humans, and were often used as tools themselves
  • Sharks are often studied to help human ailments, they are thought to hold the key to everything from fighting tumors (which they do not get) to helping prevent clotting and heart disease with their blood and have incredible immune systems
  • Sharks are closely related to stingrays
  • The most dangerous sharks are the Great White Shark, the Hammerhead Shark, the Tiger Shark, the Mako Shark and the Bull Shark
  • Sharks wounds heal quickly
  • Nurse Sharks are thought to be the laziest sharks, they refuse to move in cold months, have a limited diet and don’t need to move to breathe like other sharks

We do a liveaboard diving in the Maldives. Make sure to check out for more details.

  • Unlike most animals sharks can move both their upper and lower jaws
  • Funnily enough the largest sharks tend to be the most harmless, they eat plankton by swimming with their jaws wide open
  • Some sharks have eyes similar to a cat’s, with a mirror-like layer that allows them to see better in murky water
  • Zebra Sharks actually look more like leopards with black spots, but lose the spots as they mature
  • Sharks can feel vibrations in the water due to a line of canals that go from its head to its tail, these canals are filled with sensory cells growing hair, the hair moves when the water vibrates allowing them to quickly locate prey
  • Shark Fin soup is a popular and traditional delicacy in Asia, Hawaii and Australia but the practice of finning sharks is adding to the rapid decline of sharks and hurtful to the animals. Up to 73 million sharks are killed a year for their fins
  • In Iceland Rotten Shark or ‘Hakarl’ is a traditional dish served during the Midwinter Festival – but not particularly popular with visitors! Accounts vary, some say it tastes like cheese, others say it’s practically inedible
  • Shark skin is touch and hard and before the invention of sandpaper it was used to polish wood
  • They have a sensory organ called ‘ampullae of Lorenzini’ that allows them to feel electrical currents in the water
  • Sharks can smell a drop of blood in 1 million drops of water
  • Sharks never run out ofteeth, if they lose one another spins forward from rows and rows of backup teeth – A shark may grow and lose 20, 000 teeth in its lifetime!
  • A shark can hear a fish in the water more than a million miles away
  • Most of today’s sharks developed 64 million years ago – when the dinosaurs were around!

Image credits: Top, by Norman Jean Roy on Harper’s Bazaar (link)
