Orchid Magu, Bolisssifaru 2nd Floor. Male, Maldives

Surfing in the Maldives – Northern and Southern Atolls – Maldives Surfing

Maldives Surfing

The best time for Maldives surfing trips is the Southern Hemisphere winter, which lasts from March to October. The biggest waves are likely to occur in June, July and August. During this period, the wind is offshore all day long. Maldives has some of the best waves in the world

Maldives is exposed to the same swells as Indonesia is, except that its higher latitude and its South-East exposure offers cooler and less hardcore surfing. The typical madivian wave rolls up like most point breaks with workable corners, fun pockets and long rides. Very rarely will the sets wall up or close out the channels. The waves break on mostly dead reef, and very rarely will you come in contact with it unless you are surfing on a very low tide.

VIDEO: Surfing in the Maldives on Horizon II


Many people consider surfing in Northern Male when they come to the Maldives. It’s because North Male is nearby from the international airport.

The waves in this region are really beautiful. .

The Northern Atolls are further divided between the North Male Atoll and the South Male Atoll, both offering pretty good lefts and rights with some of the most popular and more internationally known breaks including Jailbreaks, Sultans, Ninjas, Chickens, Pasta Point and Lohi’s.

The South Male atoll consist of Guru’s, Twin Peaks, Quarter, Foxy’s, Riptides, and Kandooma’s right.

The waves are best in the spring and summer when it’s anywhere between two to eight feet.


While most of the atolls in the entire Maldives have their prime season between April till September, South Atolls have a more extended season from February till November.

Some say that the best conditions occur between February to April just before the southwest monsoon begins and also from September to November when it ends.

From May to August there can be wind issues on the south-facing spots but that’s when you motor to the east-facing part of the atoll where there is more protection.

The east-facing breaks will still have plenty of sizes as this is the peak swell time.

South Atolls still remain the last frontier on surf trips.

Surf Breaks in Huvadhoo

Weather Conditions in Huvadhoo (MET Report)

Surf Liveaboard Horizon II

Horizon-2 is a value for money. Boat maintains 10 persons on open boat and 12 persons on private charters with good food ( set varied meals of Western and Asian cuisine ), free flow of unlimited water, coffee and tea, and a great ambiance on the boat.

The surf tender provides surf from morning sunrise to sunset with a local guide to support you in the water.

Snorkeling gear and fishing local style available for free. And a buffet or BBQ every trip.

We have more than 65% are repeaters on Horizon II.

Why Surf On Horizon II?

Our itinerary is in Huvadhoo (South of Maldives) – this itinerary is a great atmosphere away from the crowd to provide quality Surf.

The Surf spots are closer to each other. The surf & swell has been very consistent (3 to 6 ft. of waves). It is better than other locations in Male or Central Atolls

A surf guide is provided with our Surf Tender dingy. We don’t have a minimum number of people required for Sailing, even if we have 1 person, the trip will still happen. We never cancel the trip its 100% guaranteed.

Book Your Next Surf Charter With Blue Horizon

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