Orchid Magu, Bolisssifaru 2nd Floor. Male, Maldives

COVID Maldives – FAQ (Travel Guide)

COVID Maldives FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Travel Guide

FAQ for visiting the Maldives

Yes! You must have a confirmed booking at a registered tourist facility.

Please remember that your entire holiday in the Maldives should be booked at the same hotel, except for transit purposes. You will also need a confirmed hotel booking for your tourist visa.

On-arrival visas are still available for all tourists, and visa extension is available for any long-stay holidaymakers. For your free 30-day on-arrival tourist visa, you have to provide:

  1. A confirmed hotel booking, sufficient funds and confirmed return ticket.
  2. Health Declaration Form x2

The Health Declaration Form (HDF) must be filled in and submitted by all visitors twice – 24 hours before your flight to the Maldives and once more before you depart from the Maldives.

You may submit the form electronically via http://imuga.immigration.gov.mv

No. Only those who present COVID-19 like symptoms, such as a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, coughing or sneezing, will be tested for COVID-19.

All tourists will undergo non-intrusive temperature checks and screening on arrival to the Maldives.

You may also be chosen for a random COVID-19 PCR test by Maldivian Health Authorities. This is a voluntary test.

No, the Maldives government will bear any cost for random testing.

No, tourists who do not display COVID-19 symptoms are not required to quarantine on arrival to the Maldives.

All tourists are required to wear face masks at the airport, during domestic travel and in all enclosed public spaces.

All physical distancing guidelines are clearly marked with visible distance information and floor markings in passenger terminals. Hand sanitisation and hygiene facilities are also available throughout the airport.

A representative from your hotel/Resort/Liveaboard will be at the airport to assist you with the domestic flight or transfer to your hotel.

Yes, all tourist facilities will have access to medical services, well-managed stock of PPE and a COVID-19 safety manager.

No, tourists are not allowed to travel to other islands or to the capital, Male’ City.

Your hotel representatives can help you make special arrangements for any overnight transit stays. You will be allowed to stay in specifically chosen transit hotels, approved by the Health Protection Agency, to ensure your safety.

We leave it to your discretion to decide whether or not to be tested before your departure. If you wish to take a COVID-19 test before your departure or any time during your stay, it can be arranged through your hotel representative.

Please remember to practice good hygiene and hand washing throughout your trip.

We encourage all visitors to install the Maldives’ contact tracing app ‘TraceEkee’ (App Store / Play Store) before arrival into the country to help us ensure your safety and the safety of others as you enjoy your holiday.

Tourists Vessels

Tourists and staff will be allowed to embark and disembark from Tourist Vessels only at predesignated harbours as listed by the Ministry of Tourism.

Yes, The vessel will be disinfected as per HPA guidelines after the departure of guests and before new guests can be accepted onboard.

Yes, Crew shall wear masks when in direct contact with tourists in enclosed spaces

Any flu-like symptoms from staff or tourists will be immediately reported to the captain and be isolated with immediate effect until further guidance from HPA is received.

The captain will inform HPA and the Ministry of Tourism with regard to the symptoms and make arrangements for sampling and testing with guidance from HPA.

Tourists and staff presenting with symptoms will be tested for COVID-19.

Tourists and staff to be released from isolation if the test is negative with the provision that they wear masks at all times when in contact with other people until all symptoms clear up.

Isolation rooms will be maintained and serviced as per standards set forth by HPA.

Any individual (tourist or staff) with a positive PCR test result will be transferred to a government-managed facility for monitoring and treatment. 

Departure from Maldives

Tourist who are not in isolation or quarantine will have to undergo an exit screening prior to departure from the place of stay.

Routine testing for COVID-19 is not required prior to departure, However during exit screening, if any tourist is found to have fever or symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 within the prior 14 days, they should undergo PCR testing for COVID-19

Testing services are available in the Maldives for tourists who require COVID-19 test results to return to their countries of origin or another destination

COVID Testing Facilities
